Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mrs. N.J. Barbee

Mrs. N.J. Barbee, wife of Bro. Sam Barbee, died at her home in Hackett City, Ark. Professed religion at the age of eleven years, and joined Mount Person Baptist church, state of Mississippi. She came to this town some years ago with her husband, and was beloved by all who knew her as a consistent Christian, a loving and devoted wife, a kind mother, a good neighbor. She was born March 24th, 1837. Married to Sam Barbee, 1852, her funeral was preached by this writer from 1 Thess. 4:14. She was buried in Hackett City, Cemetery. I read a letter she wrote to her husband March 24th, 1889, when in Texas.It being her fifty-fourth birthday. Expressing praise to God for his loving kindness and tender mercies bestowed upon her in making her an heir of heaven and admonishing her husband to Christian stability, that they might live together in the sweet bye and bye. Yes, we miss her in the church, we miss her in the Ladies' Aid Society; they miss her at home. But if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so then al that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Our loss of her on earth will be her gain in heaven; therefore, we bow in submission to him who doeth all things well; and may his grace lead the bereaved husband and only daughter onward and upward, till the morning when we all awaken to sleep no more.

D.C.Yeargin, Pastor
Hackett City

Arkansas Baptist, Little Rock, Arkansas
April 16, 1891, Page 7

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