Saturday, December 8, 2012

Nannie Simmons

Died - November 2, 1891 at her residence, Fordyce, Arkansas, Miss Nannie Simmons, aged thirty-six years, two months and twenty-one days.
She was consistent member of the Baptist church, a devout Christian, kind of heart, benevolent in purpose and loved by all who knew her.
She was an earnest christian worker, always in place ar church and Sunday school, (as teacher), when health permitted, and we feel that in her death one of the most useful among us has fallen. That we shall miss her, but feebly express our loss; and therefore, since it was God's pleasure to remove her from our midst, be it
Resolved, That while we deplore her death, we bow in humble submission to the will of him who doeth all things well.
Resolved, That we sorrow not as those who have no hope knowing that a happy reunion awaits the children of God.
Resolved, that we extend our deepest sympathy to the aged widow, the little nephew, and to all other sorrowing relatives, beseeching them to carry their sorrows to him who bore our sins on Calvary, and who is able to bear our burdens, however weighty they may be.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon our record, a copy to be given to the mother of the deceased, and that a copy be sent to each of the town papers, and to the Arkansas Baptist for publication.

J.H. Rowland
Mrs. Mason
Miss Cattie Grimes
G.M. Harris

Arkansas Baptist, Little Rock, Arkansas
December 17, 1891, page 7

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