Friday, December 4, 2009

Alvis Dodd

Mount Olive Baptist church, Guy, Ark., adopted the following resolutions December 4, 1897:
Whereas God has seen fit to take from us our brother, Alvis Dodd, and while we are sad by reason of this bereavement, we bow in humble submission and in token of our esteem for the departed brother; be it,
Resolved, 1. In the death of brother Alvis, the church has lost one of it's brightest lights and our community one of it's best citizens.
2. That the loss of our brother, his wife has lost an affectionate husband, his mother a precious son, and his brothers and sisters, a fond brother.
3.That a copy of these resolutions be spread on our minutes, a copy furnished to his widow, and one sent to the Arkansas Baptist.
H.P. Glover
J.P. Kessinger, Committee
Arkansas Baptist, January 26, 1898

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